Friday 28 March 2014

From suffering to celebration (Programmes Workshop Day 5)

Jannine introduces new protocols on cooperation

Phil "I cause suffering" talks about the PRG

Light relief, Yohanna's observational comedy
Alan's birthday cake
Alan thanks Jiptha after a presentation from TLM Bangladesh
On the last day of our Programmes Workshop, much like every other day, there was a mixture of laughter and serious discussion.  The word of the day, rather tongue in cheek and with more laughter each time it was used, was 'suffering' - at the hands of internal structures, government regulations, each other and a host of other things, but we also found plenty of time to celebrate.  We talked about a wide variety of topics, from protocol on how various members work together, to the Projects Review process, budgets, communication and to finish, a reminder of what has been learnt.  From that and other ongoing discussions, it is clear that much has been learnt.  These meetings have been a great opportunity to learn from each other, to see what works where, what can be added in to your own activities to better serve people affected by leprosy, people with disabilities and other marginalised people.  Often the informal discussions are the most useful times of all, and the conversations over dinner have been really interesting all week.  We took a little time at the end of the day to eat cake to marks the birthdays of both James (EW) and Alan, and also say a few words of gratitude to Alan, who is retiring in a few months after many years of service to TLM, and will be much missed.  For many of us there won't be many other opportunities to say good bye, so we made sure to do it, much as he would have preferred us not to say anything.  It has been a great week, a wonderful chance to talk, learn and share ideas, to strengthen our relationships, laugh together and enjoy each other's company and ideas. 

Thank you to all who have been here, it has been a joy to share this week with you, and may God bless you and your work as we return home to get on with it.  Thank you also to all of you who have been reading this blog and praying for my whole trip and these meetings, it is much appreciated.  

One or two folk have already left, others are leaving later today, another group will head to the airport first thing tomorrow morning, and my own wee group will depart early tomorrow evening as I start my long journey back around the globe.  There are a few who have had to stay longer due to infrequent flights to their destinations.  Hopefully I and a few others will be able to get some sightseeing in tomorrow, as while we did go elephant riding, and living in the Night Bazaar means that there are plenty of opportunities to shop, other chances to see the city have been limited.  We are but a few streets from the old city, so we will be heading there first.  Please do pray for us as we travel, as many people have long journeys, awkward connections, and will be very tired, especially those of us travelling overnight, or leaving very early in the morning. 

All the gang - TLM staff from Angola, Australia, Bangladesh, DR Congo, England & Wales, India, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Scotland, South Sudan, Timor Leste and the TLM International office (thanks to Jannine for taking this)

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